Monday, April 18, 2016

Okay, blog works! Let's post our first real picture! :)

Hey guys! I'm LimeBlue. I'll be posting h-drawings here when I have time. I'll be posting most of them around the web, too, but if you visit here often enough, you might get lucky and find a piece of bonus art once in awhile. :)

Anyway, our first drawing is of Midna. Anyone else going through Twilight Princess again on the Wii U? It's been a few years since I picked the game up. The game and Midna are still great! :)
(Click to enlarge!)

Anyway, yeah! If you have a character you'd like to see drawn, let me know down below! If we have a clear winner, I'll go with that one. If not, I'll go with whoever I like best! ;)


  1. If you don't mind drawing more Midna, I'd love to see one of her stealthily grinding her clit on Wolf Link's back as he's running.

  2. I'd love to see more Midna yes, full body, emphasis on dat Booty!

  3. Since you said you were taking requests, can I respectfully ask that you do work of a minor character from Fate/Kaleid, Tatsuko! I would love deeply to see your take on her, full frontal nude, maybe seated, soles of the feet up!

  4. Thanks for the requests, guys. Looks like I'll do one more of Midna, since this one was only a half-picture of her, anyway. I'll do one of Tatsuko too, though. Watched a bit of Fate. Cute character, hahah. :)

  5. Can you draw Magnolia from Bravely Second ?

  6. Midna is great, but I'd love to see you draw Telma, she doesn't get nearly as much love
